Wenzhuo Li passed away shortly after midnight on April 24th, 2023. She died peacefully at home at the age of 67, surrounded by her family.
Wenzhuo was born on September 3rd, 1955, in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. She came to the US to complete her Ph. D in molecular biology as a fellow in the prestigious CUSBEA program, and stayed to build a family, a skyrocketing career, and a fulfilled life. She was an accomplished scientist, a sudoku savant, a loving wife, and the baby of the family to her older sisters. She was far too nice to be a tiger mom. She outlived even her most optimistic prognosis by nearly a decade, which was no surprise to anyone who knew just how stubborn she could be. She did not waste those years; she lived them fiercely with delight, high spirits, and laughter at inappropriate moments.
Wenzhuo’s passing is mourned by her husband Kexi, her sons Kevin and Brian, her grandsons Evin and Owen, her sisters Wenyi, Wenzhong, and Wenpei, her brother Wenou, and the hundreds of people who loved her in life and in death.
Funeral to be held Thursday April 27th, 2023, at 4:00 PM at the Bradley, Smith & Smith Funeral Home, located at 415 Morris Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081.
In lieu of flowers, Wenzhuo’s husband Kexi asks that donations be made to the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Wenzhuo’s name to help further the fight against cancer. We will always be grateful to them for helping Wenzhuo live with joy for her remaining years with us.
李文倬女士于2023年4月24日凌晨不久,在家中亲人的陪伴下安详地去世,享年67岁。文倬于1955年9月3日出生在中国江西南昌。她通过著名的中国留学生生物专业CUSBEA项目在1982年来到美国,获得罗切斯特大学分子生物学博士学位,并留在美国建立幸福家庭,开创辉煌事业,生活美满充实。她是一位杰出的科学家,数独高手,慈爱的母亲,善良的妻子,温文和婉的朋友,和她的姐姐们心中的小宝贝! 她太慈爱了,一点都不像虎妈。她的寿命比最乐观的预测长了近十年,这对于了解她固执程度的人来说并不意外。她没有浪费那些岁月,而是充满激情地度过每分钟。她热爱生命,对病魔始终保持高昂的斗志。她爽朗的笑声让人无法忘记。
追悼会将于2023年4月27日星期四下午 4:00 在 Bradley, Smith & Smith Funeral Home 举行,地址为:
415 Morris Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081。
文倬的丈夫克西敬请大家不要送花,而是以文倬的名义向在治疗和科研抗击癌症前列的斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)捐款,来帮助完成文倬的夙愿争取早日战胜癌症恶疾。我们将永远感激MSKCC十多年来帮助文倬在她与我们一起度过的岁月里面带微笑地抗击癌症。